Reconnective Healing will change your life
I am also an official Access Consciousness Bars, Energetic Facelift and ESSE Practioner, Reiki Master, certified Bush Flower therapist of Australian Bush Flowers Essences, qualified Holistic Pulsing therapist, Talk To the Entities (TTE) expert. Also expert in other kinds of Essences as e.g. Bach Essences and I have a good knowledge of Etheric oils. In 2006 I graduated at the Asia Pacific International Academy of Biochemic Medicine, and I became a Schüssler Salts Therapist. - ReconnectiveHealing -I am pleased to add to my list of tools: Receivings's sessions, Cosmic Healing's sessions and Healing Touch an ancient tecnique used also by the old Egyptians.... huge expansion of energy
Meet Lorenza Avanzato
Spiritual Coach - Energy Manipulator
Emotional Alchemist - Body Energy Worker
Reconnective Healing Foundational Practioner
Who is a healer?
I've learned to let go everything that I've studied, everything that I've achieved... all the knowledge, all the books, all the certificates... I see that the energy "IS"... It is very simple to receive it, to interact with it..."Just RECEIVE don't send." I found all the answers in Reconnective Healing, I see transformations in me and in the clients 's life, I see small and big synchronicity that makes our life easier and more fluid... I see inexplicable healing... I see harmony changing the chaos and I feel the happiness of a child.
I am Italian and living in Belgium, more precisely in Flanders near Antwerp. I speak Dutch, English and of course Italian. Reconnective Healing is the language of the Matrix in which we all experience life and where all changes are possible. If you are looking for a Reconnective Healing session, I will be delighted to help you and your pet as well. Distant healing is also applicable because everything is touching and nothing is touching.
Life is a beautiful adventure, enjoy it !!!! ciao
Avalor ( Lorenza Avanzato)
What is Reconnective Healing?
Reconnective Healing is the new Energy, Light & Information of our planet. It's a highly evolved form of energy
interaction that contineous to advance our health, balance, and quality of life progress with infinite freedom
and expanded consciousness.It promotes our ability to heal ourselves and impact the lives of others.
Recognized by today's science as the Reconnective Healing frequencies, Reconnective Healing is comprised
of this new, all-inclusive spectrum of energy, light and information. These vibrational frequencies encompass
the energy systems and benefits of all energy healing techniques, yet are accessible without complicated
steps, procedures or rituals...and can be learned by everyone.
It's tangible, measurable... You can actually feel it!
Reconnective Healing gives you access to an inner awareness with a vibrational resonance that promotes strength,
brainpower, wisdom, emotional stability and physical vitality. When you access this spectrum of Energy,
Light & Information, it creates a chain of events that can be greatly enhance and improve all aspects of your life
--health, career, relationships, abundance... Seemingly unreachable potential becomes reality.
Reconnect your life!
And more...
Ken je de Belgische Reconnective Healing practitioners al? Surf naar onze website en je vindt ze allemaal op een rijtje! Binnenkort stellen we ze één per één aan jullie voor! Like onze pagina en stay tuned!
Reconnective Healing is an energy rebalancing modality which, without any contact between the practitioners and the clients, restores the personal energy balance. Its Frequencies are wide in range, they work on the whole energy field of the receiver by making the vibrational levels of their personal energy coherent. This allows the elimination of all that is dissonant from this balance and promotes well-being at all levels of Being, restoring the original perfect natural state.
The benefits can manifest themselves on a mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, psychological, relational level, clearly improving the progress of one’s life and making it more fluid and natural.
The Reconnective Healing Frequencies work from the beginning of the session and continue to work for a long time after the end of the session. Sessions can be facilitated on people of all ages, on children, on pregnant women and also on plants and animals...
More info on
Reconnective Healing session
Reconnective Healing is a very relaxing experience: You may lie down or sit on a chair holding all your clothes on, except for the shoes. With your closed eyes you will relax and surrender to the Universe. I will connect you with the Reconnective Healing energy without any single body contact. You will relax and eventually experience a state of blessing like a deep meditation! The intelligence of the Reconnective Healing energy will guide me where it is more needed.... A gentle touch on your shoulder will let you know that the session is ended.
Duration: The Reconnective Healing session will take about 50 to 60 minutes.
Fee: 80 Euro/session
Normally 3 close sessions are needed to move a lot of "stuff", eventually followed by few more in the future....
Reconnective Healing is not a substitution of medical treatments.
Distant Healing session
Since Reconnective Healing is a quantum modularity, distance does not actually play any role in the experience of the light, energy, and information exchange. The effect of in-person and Distant Healing is always the same. Energy, frequencies and waves do not have geographic borders.
The person receiving the healing is relaxing for experience the bliss during the session.
Duration: Distant Reconnective Healing session take place for around 50 minutes.
Fee: 80 Euro/session Payment can be also done with PayPal:
Additional Services
- Healing session for children from 0 up to ... year
- Healing session for small animals
- Access Consciousness Bars session
- Access Energetic Facelift session
- Access ESSE session
- Reiki Healing
- Bush Flower essence, Bach flowers, etc.
- Schüssler Salts advice
- Holistic Pulsing session
- Channeling
- Etheric oils
- Receiving
- Cosmic Healing
- Healing Touch
Prices: From 30 till 80 Euro
Contact info
Lorenza Avanzato (Avalor)
Valvekenstraat 81/b
2275 Lille (Belgium)
BTW BE 0645.673.966
+32(0)468 28 26 19